If you are missing dependencies, there are some I cannot distribute for copyright reasons - The copyright is owned by someone else and therefore only for internal use awaiting subsitution with something else I have recorded/created - note that some may be available elsewhere with the offending content removed: (Enginesound - based on an english electric motor) (Enginesound - Based on a Class 31x) (Hornsound - based on an LT whistle) Please subistute these with something else. If you have a suggestion of a good replacement, preferbly from the Download Station, please sent a message to me on Auran's forums at forum.auran.com, user profile "Wessex_Electric_Nutter". I am unwilling to give my email out on my website for spam reasons. Some missing: (Enginespec - called Class 477) - available on the site. (Hornsound - called Class 377 horn) - avilable on the site (Bogies - Called BT13 (bogie type)) - available on the site, part of the BT13Bogie.cdp file. (Bogie - called DellnerCoupling) - available on the site (bogie - Class 477 DMSO Wide Gangway) - available from https://berkshiretrainz.webs.com/wens-content under Class 477 (pantograph - BW pantograph) - available from https://berkshiretrainz.webs.com/wens-content under Class 477 (Bogies - Called BT13 plain) - available on the site (Traincar - Class 477 DMSO(3)) - available on the site. This I think was an internal DMSO for new ideas or a cab change. Various others should be on the DLS. Faults: Class 503 may need several suspension related tags removed in the config.txt file as these were added in TANE not TS2010 and TANE/TS19 moans bitterly about it.